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Common German Coats of Arms / Family Crests
Bauer Becker Berger Brandt Braun Böhm Engel Fischer Frank Fuchs Günther Hartmann Heinrich Herrmann Hoffmann Hofmann Huber Kaiser Keller Klein Koch Krause Krüger Lang Lange Lehmann Ludwig Meier Meyer Müller Neumann Pohl Richter Schmid Schmidt Schmitt Schneider Schröder Schubert Schulz Schumacher Schwarz Seidel Vogel Wagner Weber Werner Winkler Wolf Zimmermann Vogelberg Langeschmidt Pohlberg Wolffeld Hofmannhofer Heinrichstein Bauerstein Schwarzstein Seidelmann Huberberg Huberschmidt Vogelberg Seidelberg Fischermann Lehmannhofer Meierschmidt Engelhofer Günthermann Kleinstein Schulzhofer Güntherschmidt Fischerberg Langfeld Webermann Meyerstein Huberhofer Schubertfeld Brandtfeld Schmidhofer Schulzstein Schmidtberg Meierstein Schmidtfeld Krausefeld Schmidfeld Schubertstein Hofmannfeld Bergerschmidt Zimmermannstein Schumacherberg Müllerberg Webermann Zimmermannfeld Vogelhofer Vogelschmidt Schulzschmidt Wagnerhofer Ludwigfeld Vogelschmidt Ludwigschmidt...
5000 most common English Family Coats of Arms / Family Credts
Adams Allen Anderson Bailey Baker Bell Brown Bryant Campbell Carter Chapman Clark Cook Cooper Davies Edwards Ellis Evans Fisher Fox Graham Green Griffiths Hall Harris Harrison Hill Hughes Jackson Johnson Jones Kelly King Lawrence Lewis Martin Matthews Mitchell Moore Morgan Murphy Parker Patel Pearson Phillips Price Reed Reid Richards Roberts Robinson Sanders Scott Shaw Simpson Smith Stewart Taylor Thomas Thompson Turner Walker Ward Webb White Williams Wilson Wood Wright Reidfield Griffithsfield Patelson Cookwell Kellyson Jacksonford Harrisman Griffithswell Andersonman Martinwell Lawrenceman Martinton Thompsonwell Foxton Robertston Pearsonson Mitchellson Walkerwell Harrisonson Carterton Patelfield Shawson Adamswell Robinsonfield Reedford Taylorton Jonesson Scottford Thompsonman Patelwell Cooperman...
3000 most common Scottish Coat of Arms / Family Crests
Abercrombie Aitken Anderson Armstrong Baird Barclay Bell Black Blair Borthwick Boyd Brodie Bruce Buchanan Burnett Cameron Campbell Carr Chalmers Chattan Cleland Cockburn Colquhoun Comyn Crawford Cumming Cunningham Dalrymple Davidson Douglas Drummond Dunbar Duncan Elliot Erskine Ferguson Fleming Forbes Fraser Galloway Gordon Graham Grant Gray Gunn Hamilton Henderson Home Hunter Innes Irvine Keith Kennedy Kerr Kilgour Laing Lamont Leslie Lindsay Livingston Lockhart Logan MacAlister MacArthur MacAulay MacDonald MacDougall MacDuff MacEwan MacFarlane MacGregor MacIntyre MacKay MacKenzie MacKinnon MacLaren MacLean MacLeod MacMillan MacNab MacPherson MacQueen Marshall Matheson Maxwell Menzies Milne Moncrieffe Montgomery Morrison Muir Munro Murray Nesbitt Nicolson Ogilvie Oliphant Paterson Pringle Ramsay...
Common Irish Last Names
Here’s a comprehensive list of Irish surnames. Many Irish surnames have deep historical and regional roots, often originating from Gaelic clans, Norse influence, Norman settlers, and Anglo-Irish families. I’ve grouped them by some common starting letters to make it easier to browse: ⸻ A • Ahern (Ó hEachthigheirn) • Ahearn • Ailill • Allen (Ó hAilín) • Andrews • Anglim • Archer (Mac an Sagart) ⸻ B • Barry (de Barra) • Behan (Ó Beacháin) • Bell • Bennett • Bergin (Ó Beirgin) • Bermingham • Biggins (Ó Beagáin) • Blake • Boland (Ó Beólláin) • Boyle (Ó Baoill) •...
3000 common coat of arms / family crests
Palmer Stewart Scott Butler Patel Wallace Alvarez Simmons Cook Gardner King Coleman Graham Olson Harrison Kennedy Dixon Ross Reynolds Roberts Nelson Bell Evans Ferguson Rogers Perez Simpson Wright Foster Webb Henry Rogers Smith Ford Bryant Jimenez Carter James Moreno Turner Bell Henderson Torres Black Ramirez Wood Fox Wilson Washington White Perez Jones Lopez Wagner Brown Phillips Castillo Holmes Shaw Phillips Jones Woods Boyd Moore Reed Payne Chavez Morgan Adams Scott Cooper Burns Torres Porter Marshall Allen Rose Murray Cole Stone Gray Tran Chavez Stephens Watson Morris Myers Patel Fernandez Green Schmidt Ferguson Weaver Silva Mason Meyer Gonzales Mendoza Hayes Foster...
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