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“A” Heraldry Dictionary

Heraldry Dictionary-Section A

A. Capital Letters of the Alphabet are used as charges in Heraldry. See Letters.

Aarons-Rod. A rod entwined with a Serpent.

Abacot. An ancient cap of state of the English Kings.

Abaisse. Abaise or Abased. Equivalent to the term "in base" a Chevron Abaisse.

Abaised. A term applied to the wings of eagles when the tips are depressed below the centre of the shield.

Abatement. A mark of disgrace, never used. See Points.

Ábouche. A shield was said to be á bouche when it had a carved notch cut out, for the lance to pass through, in the dexter chief, of the shield.

Abyss. The centre of an Escutcheon.

Abbess. A Lady Abbess, as borne in the arms of Abbes.

Abbey. See Monastery.

Abblast, Arbaleste, Arblast or Arbalist. A Cross Bow.

Abbot's Pastoral Staff or Prior's Staff. See Staff.

Abeyance. The expectancy of a title; the right being in existence, but the exercise of it suspended. On the death of a baron, whose dignity originated in a Writ of Summons, without issue male, the barony becomes vested in his daughters; if he leaves an only daughter, she succeeds to the dignity, but if there be more daughters than one, the title falls into abeyance amongst them, and continues in that state until all but one of the daughters, or the sole heir of only one daughter survives; in which case, the barony devolves on the surviving daughter, or on the heir of her body. The Crown can, however, at any time, terminate an abeyance in favour of one of the heirs.

Abisme. When the charge, which is between others, is depicted small, so as not to appear as the principal bearing.

Abouté. Placed end to end.

Abouti. Conjoined.

Accidents of Arms. A term sometimes met with which appears to mean nothing else in blazoning than the strictures and marks of difference.

Accoles. Two shields in juxtaposition. See Accollies.

Accolle. Gorged, or Collared.

Accollies, or Accolee. A term used to express the position of two shields placed side by side and touching each other, and was an early mode of marshalling the arms of a man and his wife.

Accompagnee, Accompagne or Accompanied. See Between.

Accorne. See Horned.

Accosted. Side by side. The same as counter-tripping. This term is sometimes used when charges are placed on each side of another charge, but is better expressed by the term "Between."

Accoutred. Same as Caparisoned.

Accroche. One charge hooked into another.

Accroupi. A term sometimes used for Hares, Rabbits, etc., when Lodged.

Accrued. A tree full-grown.

Ace-Cards. The four ace-cards.

Achievements of Arms. The armorial bearings with all the exterior ornaments of the Shield.

Acorn. The seed or fruit of the Oak. When the Husk is of a different colour, it must be named, as an Acorn naming the colour, husked and stalked of such a colour.

Acorne. See Attired.

Acorned or Fructed. The Oak Tree so termed when represented with Acorns upon it.

Adder.See Serpent

Adders-tongue. A plant whose seeds are produced on a spike resembling a serpent's tongue.

Addice, Adze. A cooper's tool.

Additions of Honour. Honourable Augmentations granted by the Sovereign.

Addorsed or Addorsy. See Adorsed.

Addosse. Same as Adorsed.

Adentre. Accosted on the outer side.

Adextre. i.e. on the Dexter side.

Adoption, Arms of. Are the arms of another family, borne either singular, or quartered with those of the paternal coat, e.g. If a person by will, adopt a stranger to possess his name and estates, the person so adopted, applies for a special warrant to the Sovereign, to empower him to carry out the will of the Adopter, and thereby assume his name and arms. If however the adopted, be of more noble blood and family than the adopter, he is not obliged to disuse his own name or arms - but, in case he be of an inferior family, he is compelled to assume the name and arms of the adopter.

Adorned. Decorated as a cap etc., ornamented with feathers, etc.

Adorsed, Addorsed, Adorssed, Adorse, Adosse, or Adossed. All these terms are better expressed by the word Endorsed. These terms are all used by different writers to express the same thing, i.e. when any two bearings are placed back to back.

Advancers. The top shoots from the Attire of a Stag.

Adventail.A Coat of Arms.

Adumbrated.Anything painted in shadow, properly termed in relief, where the figures are always of the same colour with the ground, and thrown out by the shading.

Adze. An instrument used by Coopers, Wheelwrights, etc.

Ægis. The shield of Pallas on the boss of which was the head of Medusa.

Æsculapius, Rod of.A rod entwined by a snake, which was the form assumed by Esculapius, the God of Healing, when he was brought from Greece to Rome in a season of great sickness.

African.See Moor.

Afronte, Affrontee, Affronted, or Affrontant.When the head of a man, lion, etc. is represented fullface.

Agacella. The Gazelle, an elegantly formed species of Antelope.

Agnus Dei.Holy, or Paschal Lamb.

Aiglon or Aiglette. A small eagle.

Aiguise, Aiguisee or Equise. The same as Pointed.


Ailetts.Small escutcheons affixed to the shoulders of an armed Knight.

Ainent.Running; applied to beasts.


Ajoure.The same as voided, when applied to any of the ordinaries, or parts of them, denoting that the field is seen through, as a Fesse crenellée ajoure of the field.

Alaisee or Alisee.Applied to an ordinary, when cut off, so as not to touch the sides of the shield; the common and better term is Humettee.

Alant, Aland or Alaunt. A sort of Mastiff.

A-la-Quise or Cuisse. A term applied to an eagle's leg erased at the thigh.

Alberia.A plain white shield.

Albert-Medal. See Medal.

Albert. Prince,Coronet of.

Alce.The Male Griffin.

Alder. A Tree.

Alembic, Alembick, Limbeck or Still.A Utensil of the Distillery.

Alferez.An ensign.

Alice or Alce.The Male Gryphon.

Aliece or Alalze. See Alaisee.

Allegorical.The representation of anything conveyed by emblem, as the figure of Justice.

Allerion, Alerion or Allette.A fabulous bird represented without beak or legs.

Alliance, Arms of.Are those impaled or borne in an escutcheon of pretence to denote alliances formed by marriage, and the arms taken by the issue of an Heiress or Coheiress quartered with those of their Father, thereby shewing their descent from a family of which the male line is extinct.

Alligator. A carnivorous amphibious reptile.<

Allumee. The eyes of beasts are so termed when depicted sparkling with red.

Allusive Arms or Armes Parlantes and Canting Arms. Are very numerous in English armory, they contain charges hinting at the name, character, office or history of the original bearer, e.g. The arms of Dobell - a Doe between three bells, of Colt - three Colts - of Shelly - three shells, etc. See Rebus.

Almond Slip. Borne by the name of Almond.

Alpaca or Paco. Supposed to be a domesticated variety of the Guanaco.

Alpe. A Bullfinch. A term used by Blomfield in his His. of Nor. in blazoning the arms of Alpe.

Alphabet, letters of the. Capital letters are sometimes used as charges. See Letters.

Altar. In heraldry, is always drawn inflamed.

Alternate, Alternately or Alternatively. One after the other.

Alternating. Following by turns. As an Orle of fleur-de-lis and martlets alternating, i.e. four fleur-de-lis and four martlets alternately placed.

Amaranthal Crown. A crown like a garland composed of leaves of the imaginary amaranth that never fades. See Garland.

Ambulant. Walking. Ambulant-Co. Walking together.

Amethyst. A precious stone. Used by some Heralds to denote purpure, when blazoning the arms of Peers.

Ammenche, Ammanche, Emanche or Creneaux. See Crenellee.

Amphibanes or Amphibenes. On a Saltire or, interlaced by two Amphisbaenae az. langued gu. a rose of the last barbed and seeded ppr. Crest of Gwilt.

Amphisbene or Amphista. A beast with dragon's body and wings, the head of a serpent, and the tail ending with a like head.

Amphisbona. A snake with a head at each extremity. (Burke's Landed Gentry.)

Amphisien-Cockatrice. See Basilisk.

Ananas. A Pineapple.

Anchor. The emblem of Hope. If a cable is attached to it, it is termed an anchor cabled, and the cable is depicted entwined round it. When the cross beam is of a different tincture, it is termed an anchor timbered of such a colour. When the barbed part, by which it takes hold of the ground, is of a different tincture from the other part, the anchor is said to be fluked, or flouked.

Anchored, Anchry, Anchorry, Anchree, Ancree or Ancred. Terms applied to Crosses whose extremities resemble the flukes of Anchors.

Ancient or Anshent. A small flag, or streamer ending in a point.

Ancree. See Anchored.

Andrew, St. Order of. See Knighthood Orders of.

Andrew, St. Cross of. Is a silver saltire on an azure field.

Anelett. See Annulet.

Angel. Variously represented in Heraldry. An Angel wings expanded arms uplifted on the breast, the hands clasped as borne by the family of Crondice. An Angel kneeling wings expanded the hands in a praying position, borne by Hodder, Hynell, etc. An angel volant pointing to heaven with the dexter hand, and to the base with the Sinister, from the mouth a scroll, thereon the letters G.I.E.D. signifying Gloria in Excelsis Deo.

Angel's Head. See Cherub.

Angemm or Angenne. See Angenin.

Angenin. A flower of six leaves, always borne pierced.

Angle. Acute or beviled, and rectangled.

Angle-Hook. See Fish-hook.

Angled-Quarter. Also called Nowy-square, or Nowy-quadrat.

Angles. Two interlaced saltirewise and having an annulet at each end.

Angola Goat. See Goat.

Anille. A fer-de-moline, or Mill-rind, to which refer.

Animals. And parts of animals of almost every species, are now to be met within armorial bearings. In blazoning the teeth, or claws of Lions, Tigers, Wolves and all ravenous beasts, are called their arms; and when of a different tincture to the body must be named, and the animals are said to be armed of such a colour. This term "Armed" also applies to the horns of Bulls, Goats, &c. The tongue of all beasts, if not mentioned is to be gules; except the animal itself is gules, then it must be azure; and when the tongue has to be named, the animal is said to be "langued" e.g. a Lion gu., armed and langued az. But in blazoning Deer, altho' their horns are their weapons, they are said to be "Attired," and when the hoof of the Deer, Horse, Bull, Goat, etc., is of a different tincture it is termed "Unguled."

Anime. The same as Incensed.

Anjon. A javelin the point of which resemble a fleur-de-lis.

Annelet. Same as Annulet.

Annet. A Sea Gull.

Annodated. A term to express anything bent somewhat like an S; as the serpents in the Caduceus of Mercury which may be said to be annodated and entwined about the staff.

Annulated, Annuly or Annulety. Also termed a Cross ringed.

Annulet. A ring. The emblem of strength. The Romans represented Liberty by it.

Anomalies-Heraldic. Deviations from the general method, or analogy of the science.

Anserated. See Cross Gringolee.

Anshent or Ancient. A small flag ending in a point.

Antarctic-Star. Same as Estoile.

Ant or Emmet. Emblematical of patience and forethought.

Ante or Ente. The same as Dovetail.

Antelope. An animal of the Deer kind, with two straight horns. The Heraldic Antelope is a fabulous animal, and is represented as having the body of a Stag, the tail of a Unicorn, a tusk issuing from the tip of the nose, a row of tufts down the back of the neck, on the chest and thighs.

Anthony, St. Cross of. The same as a Cross Tau.

Antic, Antient or Antique. Ancient, as an Antique Lion; Antique Lion's Head; Antique style of arms.

Antique Temple. As borne in the arms of Temple.

Antique Coronet or Crown. See Eastern Coronet, or Crown.

Antler. The branch of a stag's horn.

Anvil. The iron block used by smiths.

Apaulmed or Appalmed. See Apaumee.

Apaumee or Appaumee. A hand open and extended; showing the palm.

Ape or Monkey. An animal well known for its sagacity. If said to be collared and lined, the collar is put round the loins.

Apex. The ridge on the top of a helmet to which the crest was attached.

Apple. Always drawn with a short stalk.

Apple of Granada. The Pomegranate.

Appointed. Armed, accoutred.

Apres or Apree. An animal like a Bull, with the tail of a bear.

Aquilated. Adorned with eagles' heads; in the same way a cross is adorned with serpents' heads.

Aquisce or Equise. A cross equise is couped, voided, and pointed.

Ar. Contraction for Argent.

Arbaleste or Arbalist. A cross-bow.

Arch. Borne Single, Double, and Treble, the latter is termed Triarchée.

Arch. On three degrees, with folding doors open.

Arched, Inarched or Enarched. Bowed or bent in the form of an arch.

Arched-double. Having two arches, or bends.

Archbishop. The highest Order in the English Church. The Archbishop of Canterbury takes precedence next to the Princes of the Blood Royal.

Archee or Archy. Same as Arched.

Archee Coronettee. The bend in the Arms of Saxony is sometimes so termed.

Archee Treble or Tri-Archee. Having three arches.

Archer's-Bow. See Bow.

Archy. An ordinary so termed when embowed.

Arctic-Star. Same as Estoile.

Argent. Silver. Usually painted white, one of the two metals; when the shield is argent, it is shown in an engraving by being left plain. See Tinctures.

Ark-Noah's. Is borne by several families. Symbol of the Church.

Arm. Variously borne as a Charge, and also for Crest, always understood to be a dexter one, if not mentioned as sinister, and always erect if not stated to the contrary.

Armed. A term applied to the horns, teeth, and tusks of beasts, also to the beaks and talons of birds, when of a different tincture to the body. Armed when applied to an arrow, refers to the head.

Armed at all points. When a man is represented in complete armour.

Armes-Parlantes or Canting. See Allusive Arms.

Armes pour enquirir. When contrary to the laws of blazon, and in which metal is placed upon metal, or colour upon colour. See Inquire Arms of.

Armiger. An armour-bearer; an Esquire.

Armined. See Ermined.

Arming Buckles. Anciently used for fastening the armour, are in shape like a lozenge. See Buckle.

Arming-Doublet. Same as Surcoat.

Armorial-Bearings or Coat of Arms. Consists of the Shield and its external ornaments.

Armorial Book-plates. See Book-plates.

Armorie or Armory. The Science which treats of Coat-Armour. Also a place where arms are kept.

Armorist. A person skilled in the knowledge of Armorie.

Armory. A List of names with the armorial bearings attached and blazoned. Also defined as an "Art righty prescribing the true knowledge and use of Arms."

Armour. Defensive clothing of metal. See Brassarts, Cuisses, Gauntlets, Greaves, Vambraces, etc.

Armour, Coat of. See Arms.

Armour, for a horse's head. See Chaperon.

Armourer. One who makes armour.

Armourist. One skilled in the science of Coat-armour.

Armoye. Charged with coats of Arms. See Lambrequin.

Arms. Armorial-bearings, or Coat armour; consists of the shield and its external ornaments.

Arms of Adoption. See Adoption, Arms of.

Arms of Alliance. See Alliance, Arms of.

Arms of Assumption. Such as might be legally assumed by one who had made captive any gentleman of higher degree than himself.

Arms of Augmentation. See Augmentations.

Arms of a Bachelor. Are simply the paternal coat, unless his mother was an Heiress, or Co-Heiress; then he quarters her arms with the paternal coat.

Arms Baron and Femme. The arms of a man and his wife. See Arms Impaled.

Arms of a Baron. Are distinguished by the Coronet.

Arms of a Baronet. Contain the arms of Ulster, placed in the most convenient part of the shield. See Baronet.

Arms of a Bishop. See Arms of Office.

Arms Canting or Punning Arms. See Arms Parlantes.

Arms of Community. Those of Bishoprics, Cities, Universities, Corporate bodies, etc.

Arms of a Commoner and Lady. When a commoner marries a lady of quality, he impales her arms with his own, and also places the lady's arms in a separate shield by the side of the former. If a Peeress in her own right, the husband bear her arms in an escutcheon of pretence, and also places her arms by the side of his own. If the lady becomes a widow, she bears her own arms as above, and those of her husband, with her own, in a lozenge, omitting the crest.

Arms of Concession. Augmentations granted by the Sovereign, of part of his regalia; e.g. Hen. VIII. Granted to Thomas Manners, whom he created Earl of Rutland, on account of being descended from a sister of Edw. IV. The Concession of wearing the Royal Arms upon a Chief. See Augmentations.

Arms Dimidiated. It was an ancient custom when impaling arms, to cut off a portion of either coat so impaled; but this being liable to cause great confusion, in fact entirely to destroy the bearing, it has long since ceased to be used in English Heraldry, except in the case of a coat with a bordure, when the bordure is always dimidiated. The arms of the Borough of Gt. Yarmouth co. Nor. are Dimidiated.

Arms of Dominion. Those which belong to Sovereigns, Princes, and Commonwealths.

Arms of a Duke. Known by the Coronet. See Robe.

Arms of a Earl. Known by the Coronet.

Arms of England. See Arms Royal.

Arms Feudal. Those annexed to dignified Fees, Dukedoms, Marquisates, Earldoms, etc.

Arms of an Heiress or Co-Heiress. The paternal coat borne in a lozenge. If married they are borne on an escutcheon of Pretence, placed in the centre of the husband's shield.

Arms Historical. Such as are given to commemorate any great warlike achievements, or diplomatic services.

Arms-Impaled. A term to express the arms of a man and his wife, called Baron and Femme. The Shield is divided by a perpendicular line. - The Husbands arms are placed on the dexter side and the wifes on the sinister. The arms of office are impaled in the same way. See Arms of Office.

Arms of a Knight Bachelor. Are borne in a Shield surmounted by a Knight's Helmet.

Arms of a Knight of any Order. Consist of his paternal coat in a shield surrounded with the insignia of the Order of which he is a Knight; and, if married, the arms of his wife must be placed in a distinct shield impaled with his own.

Arms of a Maid. Are the paternal arms borne in a lozenge.

Arms of a Man and his Wife. See Arms-Impaled. If the wife dies and the husband marries again, he either places the arms of his first wife on the dexter side of his shield, and those of the second wife on the sinister, with his own in the centre; or he still divides the shield per-pale, keeping his own on the dexter side, and dividing the sinister side per-fesse places the first wife's arms in chief and the second wife's arms in base.

Arms of Office or Official Arms. Those borne by Archbishops, Bishops, Deans, Heads of Colleges, etc. The paternal coat is borne impaled with them, the arms of office being placed on the dexter side. If married the arms are borne as shown on the two shields.

Arms Parlantes. Those having canting charges, which allude to the bearer. See Allusive Arms.

Arms Paternal and Hereditary. Such as descend from Father to Son.

Arms of Patronage. Are of two kinds. First they consist of part of the arms of those lords, of whom the persons bearing them held in fee; either adding to the paternal arms of the person assuming such additions; or borne as feudal arms, to show the dependance of the parties bearing them on their particular Lord. Secondly, they are such as Governors of provinces, Lords of Manors, etc. add to their family arms.

Arms pour Enquirir. See Inquire Arms of.

Arms of Pretention. Are those borne by Sovereigns, who, although they have not possession of certain dominions, claim a right to them. Thus the Sovereigns of England quartered the arms of France from the year 1330 when Edw. III. laid claim to that kingdom, till the year 1801, although long before this England had laid aside all pretensions to France.

Arms Quartered. Show the descent of one family from Heiresses and Co-Heiress of other houses, and is the evidence of maternal descent, and of the extinction of the immediate ancestors of the Mother whose son becomes their heir general, and is entitled at her death to quarter, with his paternal coat, her arms and all the quarterings which she may have inherited.

Arms of Succession. Those taken up by such as inherit certain fiefs, or manors etc., by will, entail, or donation, which they quarter with their own arms.

Arms of Ulster. Ar. a sinister hand couped, open and erect gu. This is called the Badge of Ulster, also Baronet's-Badge; as it is borne in the paternal coat of each of the English Baronets.

Arms of a Viscount. Known by the Coronet and by the Robe. See Robe and Coronet.

Arms of a Widow. Consist of her husband's arms impaled on the dexter side, and her paternal coat on the sinister, in a Lozenge. If she is an Heiress her arms are to be borne in an escutcheon of Pretence, over those of her husband in a Lozenge.

Army or Harysyd. A term anciently used to express an arm armed.

Armyn. See Ermine.

Armys. An old way of spelling Arms.

Aronda, Arondia, Arondi or Arrondi. Anything circular as gyronny arondia.

Arondie or Arondy. See Bend Arondy.

Arrache. Forcibly torn off; the same as Erased.

Arrasways or Arris-wise. A term to express anything of a square form placed with one corner in front showing the top.

Arrayed. Covered, or vested.

Arriere. The back. Volant in arriére is a term proper for birds, or insects flying from the spectator, as a Bee volant en arriére.

Arrondi or Arrondie. See Aronda.

Arrow. A missive weapon of offence, is a slender stick, armed at one end and feathered at the other and is termed barbed and flighted, or plumed, i.e. feathered, the point is always downwards unless otherwise expressed. Arrows when borne in bundles are termed sheaves of arrows, but the sheaf never contains more than three, unless a greater number is named. Arrows are borne in a variety of positions, which should be described e.g. - Five arrows two and two parallel in saltire, and one in pale; or, three arrows one in pale, and two in saltire, entwined with a serpent.

Arrow-Broad. See Broad-Arrow.

Ascendant. The rays of the sun issuing upwards; the term is also applied to smoke and flames rising.

Ascending. Rising.

Ascents or Degrees. Steps.

Aseare or Asewre. An old term for azure.

Ash-Keys or Ashen-Keys. The seeds which grow in bunches on the Ash Tree. Also termed Ash-Crops.

Ash-Tree. An ash sprig is borne by the name of Nash.

Asker. A reptile.

Asp. A kind of serpent.

Asp. The Aspen.

Aspect. Full faced, the same as at gaze.

Aspectant or Aspecting. Face to face. See Combatant and Respecting.

Aspect-Trian. Showing three parts of the body.

Aspen Leaves. Borne by the name of Cogan, Aspmall, etc.

Aspersed. Powdered, or strewed; same as Semee.

Ass. Properly represents patience.

Assagai, or Hassagai. A dart.

Assailant, Assaultant or Assaulting. Same as Saliant and Springing.

Assemble. Dovetailed.

Assis-Sejant. Sitting.

Assumptive Arms. See Arms of Assumption.

Assurgent. A term to express anything rising from the sea.

Astroid or Asteroides. See Star.

Astrolabe. An astronomical instrument for taking the altitude of the sun, or stars at sea.

Astronomical Characters. Are met with in Coat Armour as in the Arms of Herschel, etc.

Asur or Asure. Same as azure.

At-Bay. A term to express the position of a stag standing on his own defence.

At-Gaze. Applied to animals of the Deer-kind. See Gaze.

At-Lodge. See Lodged.

At-Speed. Same as Courant.

Athelstan's Cross. A cross botonée placed on a Mound.

Attainder. Absolute deprivation of every civil right and privilege, and consequent forfeiture of all hereditary claims.

Attire. A single horn of a stag, etc.

Attired. Is used when speaking of the horns, or antlers of the Stag, Buck, or Hart, etc.; but Bulls, Goats, Rams, and Unicorns are said to be armed. The term is also applied to the habit, or vest of a man, or woman.

Attires. Both horns of a stag affixed to the scalp.

Attourney. See Gauntlet.

Auger. A Carpenters' tool.

Augmentations. Are particular marks of honour. Granted by the Sovereign as additions to the paternal arms; and for the most part are borne upon a Canton, or inescutcheon, sometimes upon a Chief, and Fesse; and may be derived from acts of valour, or loyalty; from profession; or from any memorable circumstances and events. eg. The arms of the Duke of Wellington contain the following Augmentation viz. On the honour-point an escutcheon, charged with the Crosses of St. George, St. Andrew, and St. Patrick, conjoined, being the union badge of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland. Now this badge being the common device of our united opinions, shows that we think the Duke of Wellington was entitled to the highest honours which a united people would desire to confer on the chief defender of their country. The Augmentation granted to the Duke of Marlborough "in chief an escutcheon ar. charged with the cross of St. George gu. And thereon an escutcheon of the Arms of France." Lord Nelson's is "on a chief wavy ar. waves of the sea from which a Palm tree issuant betw. a disabled ship on the dexter and a battery in ruins on the sinister all ppr." Lord Collingwood "on a chief wavy gu. A lion pass. guard, navally crowned or, with the word Trafalgar over the lion of the last." Pellew Viscount Exmouth "on a chief of Augmentation wavy ar. a representation of Algiers with a British man of war before it all ppr." Carnegie Earl of Northesk whose arms are, or. an eagle displayed sa. has as an honourable augmentation" a Naval Crown gold on the breast of the eagle and over the eagle the word "Trafalgar" Halford Bart. By Royal warrant of Augmentation, in 1837, a rose ar. was substituted for the centre fleur-de-lis, (arms originally had three fleur-de-lis on a chief), and as further augmentation, on a canton erm. a staff entwined with a serpent ppr, and ensigned by a coronet composed of crosses pattée and fleur-de-lis or. Gull. Bart., for augmentation "a Canton Erm., thereon an ostrich feather ar. quilled or. enfiled by a coronet as in the Badge of the Prince of Wales.

Augmented. Having augmentations.

Auk. A bird, an inhabitant of the arctic or northern seas.

Aulned. The aulnes, or awnes, are the beards about the ears of barley, etc., generally termed bearded.

Aure. Drops of gold. See Guttee.

Au-rencoutre. See Rencoutre.

Aureole. See Glory.

Auriflamme or Oriflamme. The ancient banner of St. Denis, carried at the head of the French armies, from the 12th to the 15th century. According to Sir N. H. Nicolas, an oblong red flag, split into five points, described by others as a square banner of flame-coloured silk.

Avant-Braces. Armour for the arm. See Brassets.

Avant-Mur. Signifies a wall attached to a Tower.

Ave. Hail! This word "Ave" is borne in the arms of Nadler.

Averlye. See Semee.

Averdant. Applied to a mount, when covered with green herbage.

Averlye. The same as Semee or powdered.

Aversant or Dorsed. A term to express a hand turned so as to show the back.

Avoset. A bird.

Awl. An instrument to bore holes.

Awned. See Aulned.

Axe or Hatchet. Battle, Broad, Chipping, Carpenters, Danish, Falling, or Felling, Pole, Lochabar, Slaughter axe, etc.

Aygnisee or Equise. The same as urdée, or champain, sometimes called mateley, clechée, and verdée.

Aylet. The same as Cornish Chough.

Ayrant or Eyrant. Eagles, or Falcons, are said to be Ayrant when borne in their nests.

Azure. Blue, contracted az., expressed in engraving by horizontal lines. See Tinctures.