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Heraldry in America- USA Coats of Arms

Heraldry in America: A Brief Overview

  1. Origins and Development:

  2. The Herald and Its Role:

    • The herald, a central figure in heraldic tradition, played a crucial role in the development and application of heraldry.
    • Their duties included overseeing the granting of arms, maintaining genealogical records, and ensuring proper usage of coats of arms.
  3. Heraldry Applied to the Arts:

    • Heraldry extended beyond mere symbols on shields. It influenced art, architecture, and design.
    • Coats of arms adorned buildings, stained glass windows, and manuscripts, reflecting the social status and lineage of their bearers.
  4. American Flags, Seals, and Coins:

    • Heraldic elements appear prominently in American symbols.
    • State seals, institutional emblems, and even currency incorporate heraldic motifs.
  5. The Royal Arms of England in America:

    • The royal arms of England were often used in colonial America, reflecting the ties to the British monarchy.
    • These arms appeared on official documents, coins, and other artifacts.
  6. Colonial Societies and American Orders:

    • Various colonial societies and fraternal orders adopted heraldic practices.
    • These organizations used coats of arms to signify membership, honor achievements, and establish identity.
  7. Understanding Heraldic Components:

    • Parts of an Achievement: Shields, crests, supporters, and mottoes constitute a complete achievement.
    • Tinctures and Furs: Colors and patterns play a significant role in heraldry.
    • Ordinaries and Charges: These are the basic elements used to create coats of arms.
  8. Rules for Blazoning:

    • Blazoning is the precise description of a coat of arms using standardized terms.
    • Learning to blazon allows heralds to accurately depict and interpret arms.
  9. Marks of Cadency and Marshalling:

    • Marks of cadency differentiate arms within a family.
    • Marshalling involves combining multiple coats of arms, often seen in marriage alliances.
  10. French and German Heraldry:

    • French and German heraldic traditions also influenced American practices.
    • Understanding these variations enriches our understanding of heraldry in the New World.

In summary, heraldry in America reflects a blend of European heritage, practical applications, and a uniquely American context. Whether on state flags, institutional seals, or family heirlooms, these symbols continue to resonate with us today1. 🛡️🇺🇸